the early halloween post

I know this happened to me Tuesday, but it was rather freaky and funny at the same time, so I thought it deserved a post of its own. Haha.

Last Tuesday, I was home alone. And since I had finished all the stuff I needed to do that day, I thought of taking some photos of this new dress that I very recently bought from Mango (which I will post next time hehe). So off I went with my pretty new dress to the other kitchen, where this photogenic door stands, to snap away. When I got there, I almost died of shock.

Imagine seeing a very, very scary infant doll, with scribbles on its already freaky face (plus a lacey, black mourning dress), sitting on the dish rack. It was actually the same doll I used for my graduation creative pose back in college, sans the head---the reason why the doll was in a black dress. It was still a bit okay then, but seeing it on top of the sink when you're home alone?! Duuuude.

I'd post pics just so you could see how scary the darn thing is, but I might not blog ever again. For fear of seeing its doodled forehead, inked lips and blue-glittered eyes. Haha.

I told V about it today, and showed him the doll. He laughed, but agreed that it really did look creepy.

Well, creepy doll may have scared me, but it gave me an idea. Wouldn't it be kind of interesting if there were "spooky tours" in Paris? So I tried searching online, and I found out that this kind of tour actually does exist! Haha.


Mysteries of Paris: Dark Tours in the City of Lights. Website here. Sounds very interesting, no? I'm sure it would be very different from the usual day tours. After a semester of watching horror movies for a class, I promised myself that I won't scare myself anymore, but this kind of tour seems really interesting.

Has anybody ever tried this kind of tour before? Share! :)


  1. Eeep! Creepy nga! Part of me wants to see the doll but part of me knows I'll freak out if I do. :P So did you ever find out how it got to the sink?

    I haven't been on a tour like this but I had a friend who took the Jack the Ripper walking tour in London and she says it's fun. There was a ghost-hunting group naman in Singapore who offered tours of haunted locations but I don't know if they're still operational. I contacted them back in 2006, 2007, but they never replied. :(

  2. Hi Chris! Haha, still unsure, but it may have been my aunt's doing (accidental). ;p

    Wow, they have those kinds of tours even in Sing? The "Jack the Ripper" one sounds interesting... :) hey it's your birthday soon! ;)

  3. Yeah, that Singapore one would have been so cool if we had the chance to go on it. Look, I found the website: :P


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