Hello, Burger

We're expecting!

Well, actually, we're already six months into the pregnancy, and I have to say that it's been a very interesting and exciting time for me.

The first trimester was kind of difficult.

I mean, I probably wouldn't have found out that I was pregnant had my back not popped (and hurt like heck). I contemplated having an x-ray done, but V was wise enough to tell me not to. We just saw a chiropractor---whose expertise, coincidentally, is pregnant women and babies) for my back.

My appetite during the first three months was gone, though. I had a hard time eating, and V ended up finishing my food most of the time. I didn't really crave anything then. V, on the other hand, had juicy burgers almost every day. V also had dizzy spells during the first trim. Sympathy pains, perhaps?

I actually lost a bit of weight in my second month, but gained a bit back during the last weeks of the third month.

By my fourth month, my appetite slowly came back. Whew! But I still had to put on more weight, said my doctor. I had to take protein-building vitamins for Burger's growth.

Things are a bit more comfortable at this stage, with just some minor pains in the pelvic area. I feel the kicks and twirls now, and those are just... amazing. I can't help but smile, whenever Burger kicks.

We're getting closer and closer to B-Day (three months to go!), and V and I are all the more excited. I'm still a bit nervous about the delivery, but yeah. Mind over matter. :) ...or better, the Almighty Father over me.

So, France, it looks like your macarons and pains au chocolat are gonna have to just wait a bit.
Because right now, it's time for my Burger.


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