Hey, It's 2013!

Happy New Year!

I realized that it's been almost a year since my last post here. Maybe no one reads this anymore, but that's okay. Sometimes, it's nice to just be able to write down my thoughts. So, yeah.

For the past year (plus plus), we've been living a bit more frugally, because of all the major happenings in my life then (not to mention, there weren't a lot of projects coming in). It wasn't too drastic, because V and I could still dine in restaurants occasionally, and sometimes even watch a movie at the cinema. But it meant giving up certain luxuries that year. Like travel. (sob) We had to limit our travel to 1 out-of-town road trip (with the family) last year.

More often than not, I'd find myself sulking because I couldn't travel. It was ironic, because while I did get a lot of free time, no real projects came. So last December, I did what I had to do: book a flight to Singapore!

It'll be my second time there but V and Big Sis's first, so it should be fun. It's still in February, but I'm already excited about it!

In the meantime, here are some photos of my first trip to Signapore.
Ah, memories, memories. :)

Chinatown shophouses

MRT Wall Art

That's me by the much smaller Sentosa Merlion

Siloso Beach


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